rachaelkane's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!
After a hesitant start due to email issues from my end everything went well. Many thanks for your purchase. If you are unhappy with the items please let me know I will happily replace or refund.
Thanks so much for being the perfect customer !
thanks for the support and hope you like the earrings!
Very prompt payment – thank you!
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!