Feedback for kirstenmc
kirstenmc's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for kirstenmc
Comment after eejaydesign sold #415562 to kirstenmc
Many thanks for your purchase, take care :)Comment after eejaydesign sold #460845 to kirstenmc
Many thanks for your purchase, take care :)Comment after julihunter sold #460846 to kirstenmc
Thank you very muchComment after blazen_metal sold #455514 to kirstenmc
Thanks for your custom. Follow us on Facebook for updates and sales.Comment after lovestrungnz sold #340216 to kirstenmc
Lovely trader :)Thankyou so much for supporting Love Strung NZ!
Comment after becsbathbombs sold #340215 to kirstenmc
Fantastic fast payment thank you Kirsten.Comment after ironweed sold #303041 to kirstenmc
Excellent buyer with prompt payment - thanks! your fantail is on its way...Comment after paperdaisy sold #162974 to kirstenmc
Thanks for your order, hope your friend enjoys the photoblock.Comment after briarcook sold #155904 to kirstenmc
Great to know this jersey is going to a good stylish home! Thanks again...Comment after riverandfinn sold #147421 to kirstenmc
Thanks for a great trade..please remember to place feedback for us, too!Comment after jayelle sold #128311 to kirstenmc
Thanks for your purchase. Your parcel was mailed this morning.Comment after petitsmots sold #115921 to kirstenmc
Great customer, thank you for your purchase from Les Petits Mots and for your patience!Comment after carrie99 sold #99885 to kirstenmc
Excellent purchaser...friendly emails and speed-of-light payment! Could not ask for more! Many thanks.Comment after odi-design sold #114851 to kirstenmc
Thanks for revisiting my shop. Great dealing with you.thank youComment after funcreations sold #80820 to kirstenmc
Thank you for your purchase :)Comment after funcreations sold #84744 to kirstenmc
Thank you for your purchase :)Comment after odi-design sold #91174 to kirstenmc
great buyer, thanks so much, enjoy your jewelleryComment after failedsuccess sold #69299 to kirstenmc
Thank you! :) Enjoy!Comment after artisanjouel sold #78595 to kirstenmc
•:*¨¨*:•.Fabulous Felt customer. Welcome back anytime!.•:*¨¨*:•Comment after oddoneout sold #58502 to kirstenmc
A great buyer - who was super quick to pay. Thanks so much for your order, I hope you love your plate!Comment after kiwialan sold #63909 to kirstenmc
Thanks! Extremely fast payment appreciated! Items now on the way, enjoy.................Comment after theseamstress sold #58948 to kirstenmc
thanks so much for your purchase!Comment after mumof5 sold #57873 to kirstenmc
Thanks for being my first "buyer". it was a pleasure to sell to you. prompt payment and communication.Comment after loopcase sold #57618 to kirstenmc
Thanks for your purchase :) Great communication and prompt payment. E N J O Y your wallet!the L O O P C A S E team
Comment after freckles sold #47223 to kirstenmc
Great buyer, quick to communicate and make payment. Thank you!:-)