Feedback for kazzienz
kazzienz's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for kazzienz
Comment after kaybeecreations sold #564251 to kazzienz
Thank you so much for your support, Meri Kirihimete! KBComment after redqueen sold #575695 to kazzienz
A pleasure to create for with clear communications and quick payment.Comment after soleil sold #520563 to kazzienz
Thank you so much for your purchase. I hope you like the bag. soleilComment after woodturner sold #575696 to kazzienz
We hope your special little one has oodles of fun playing with the Hot Rod Car.Thank you for shopping with us and supporting our business!
Best wishes
Comment after ethansamsrm sold #575697 to kazzienz
thanks, enjoy :)Comment after ihook sold #352062 to kazzienz
Thank you so much for purchasing 2 pairs of slippers. I hope you like them when they arrive. Thanks also for your super fast payment.Regards
Comment after firedearthstone sold #353199 to kazzienz
Thank you for supporting my small businessComment after onetrickpony sold #444166 to kazzienz
Great customer, thanks :)Comment after bigbunny sold #520179 to kazzienz
Thanks for your purchase and prompt payment - your seeds are on their way. Happy gardening from Big Bunny! after snuggletails sold #469906 to kazzienz
Thank you for supporting a small new Zealand Craft Business.merry Christmas
Comment after snuggletails sold #461602 to kazzienz
Thank you for supporting a small New Zealand craft businessComment after springflower sold #468861 to kazzienz
Highly recommended trader, quick contact and payment.Comment after onetrickpony sold #218408 to kazzienz
Thanks!Comment after calicocatnz sold #469947 to kazzienz
Great customer. Many thanks for your purchase. Hope you like the purses. Regards BarbaraComment after calicocatnz sold #451275 to kazzienz
Many thanks for your purchase. Hope you like the purses. Regards BarbaraComment after snuggletails sold #448944 to kazzienz
Thank you for your purchaseComment after onetrickpony sold #312830 to kazzienz
Great customer, thanks :)Comment after bobbiepene sold #374022 to kazzienz
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment :)Comment after inmybackyard sold #404565 to kazzienz
Thank you so much!Comment after redqueen sold #404488 to kazzienz
Thanks for the great trade with clear communications and quick payment. :)Comment after bespokemugs sold #385726 to kazzienz
Great customer, many thanks :)Comment after redqueen sold #364178 to kazzienz
Once again Karen it was a pleasure to create for you and once againthanks for the prompt payment :)