Feedback for jadebark
jadebark's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for jadebark
Comment after maitapapacarver sold #524671 to jadebark
Fantastic buyerComment after annapaigenz sold #488627 to jadebark
Fantastic, always good vibes. Thank you so much.Comment after sculptceramc sold #472926 to jadebark
Thanks for supporting localComment after sculptceramc sold #472909 to jadebark
Thanks so much for your purchase, hope you're enjoying your goodiesComment after fat-spatula sold #473411 to jadebark
Another fine example of a genuine online buyer - thanks for supporting my business. Much appreciated.Comment after annapaigenz sold #421901 to jadebark
Thank you, lovely customer.Comment after blackrabbit sold #407047 to jadebark
Thanks so much, enjoyComment after blackrabbit sold #407905 to jadebark
Thanks. hope your Friend likes their flaxseed heat pack. :)Comment after henahena sold #402132 to jadebark
Thank you for your purchase at Hena Hena.Please let me know how you like it by placing your feedback :D
Thanks a lot, Nana
Comment after ironweed sold #401696 to jadebark
Thankyou for supporting NZ Made. Your order is on its way, NZ Post tracking no: LH112433474NZNote that NZ Post is experiencing a huge surge in demand since we moved to level 3 so delivery may take longer that usual.
Thanks for your patience!