Feedback for doespins
doespins's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for doespins
Comment after heynoninoni bought #570034 from doespins
Beautiful yarn - the colours are perfect (and just like the photos) and very soft and squishy (the yarn, colours aren't squishy) Arrived within a couple of days. Couldn't be happier. More Yarn!Comment after orthanc bought #455802 from doespins
Great to deal with, posted promptly. Lovely product.Comment after jakobsmum bought #332543 from doespins
Thanks Doe! Fast, friendly service and beautiful yarn ♥Comment after forriefam bought #214468 from doespins
Lovely yarn! Can't wait to see it all knitted up!Comment after lubok bought #221648 from doespins
Beautiful yarn! Excellent communication and fast shipping : )Comment after lubok bought #221647 from doespins
Beautiful yarn! Excellent communication and fast shipping : )Comment after kim1970 bought #168306 from doespins
Thanks Doe, beautiful yarn yet again, and thanks also for the postage refund.Comment after orangetail* bought #172562 from doespins
Thank you, parcel arrived today.Comment after susanyoung bought #168141 from doespins
Lovely wool..many thanks .....on needles fast :))))Comment after mokidesignz bought #161297 from doespins
Love it! Beautiful colours, Beautiful texture! Thank you!Comment after fiberartemis sold #161148 to doespins
Thank you so much for buying from me, I hope you enjoy your fiber,:)