Feedback for craftybella
craftybella's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for craftybella
Comment after eveshouse sold #571084 to craftybella
Lovely customer. Thank you for shopping again and supporting a local hand made business. Hope they will liked by your special little ones. SeikoComment after foundthings sold #571104 to craftybella
Thank you so much for your order.Comment after dopeydognz sold #526783 to craftybella
Thanks for shopping with us, we appreciate your business. Merry Christmas!Comment after eveshouse sold #458694 to craftybella
Prompt payment. Thank you for supporting handmade. Hope they are liked by the owner to be. Eve's houseComment after lepapillonnz sold #496874 to craftybella
Wonderful customer no issues easy and straightforward.Thank you for your purchase and supporting our shop.
Enjoy Bee rattle it will be in the post tomorrow.
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