Together we'll make the world brighter and safer place for our children!

Wellcome to twee-tee!

My name is Tania Troian and I am a textile designer. Many years ago I began to make hand-made items for my friends as hearty presents and for my own purposes to decorate my house and my life. Soon I have noticed that many people like my designs and appreciate my works. So I decided to turn this hobby into something more serious than fun and a way of spending free time. Now crafting is my part-time job and I appreciate your attention to my on-line shop.
Twee-tee is about making you smile, bringing light, colour and happiness to your home.

I use quality fabric, various prints and colours for my products and try to keep prices sensible and affordable for you. Browsing in twee-tee's shop you will find pretty patterns and warming things made with love and passion. Most my works are made in one copy, which means you will not meet two identical items. Though the quality of twee-tee's products is of a high standard, my works have a lovely touch of home-made cosiness which differentiate them from manufactured products.

Twee-tee is flexible, open and approachable. So if you have ideas but no time to bring them to life, let's do it together! I am flexible and open to discuss your ideas and orders.

Hesitate because can't actually touch or see the product? Refund is offered to you if you are not happy with the purchase. If a product does not meet your expectations let me know and I will refund you its cost (including shipping). In such case the product is expected to be returned to the shop within three weeks after it had been received by you. *Damaged or used items will not be refunded or accepted.
Twee-tee does not take responsibility for lost items posted by standard post.

Shipping will be arranged from Wellington within three working days after payment is received. Please, contact me and make payment within three days after purchasing twee-tee's product.

***Thank you for visiting my shop on! Have a good day and please feel free to contact me if you have any enquiries regarding my shop and products.