Born and raised in a big city, I discovered the mountains as an adult and immediately fell in love. That love brought me into the field of wilderness guiding where I was constantly excited to learn (and taste!) the plants around me, from treating stinging nettle with jewelweed and nibble on rock tripe to concocting my own medicines. The love of plants unearthed my own decision to attempt to walk lightly and leave a small footprint.
I've been fortunate to be surrounded by herbalists and back to the landers who love taking friends on wild herbs walk and making medicinal meads. I started my first formal studies in Herbalism with Rosemary Gladstar in 2010 and began keeping myself and friends healthy and vibrant with my own homemade body products.
In 2015, my father, who works in sports medicine, started using my BooBoo Healing Balm, a medicinal salve for bruising, pain, rashes, burns, etc. with his clients with incredible results. That's when I realized that more people could benefit from organic, all natural products.
Root Wise is where my craftiness and witchiness meet, my concoctions for loving up your body.
To be Root Wise is to be wise to your roots, to where your products come from, to what truly nourishes you, to what truly nourishes the Earth.
You can also find me at and
Please reach out if you have any questions, or ideas for products that you're looking for!
Peace, and Love,
Jen @ Rootwise