I'm an interdisciplinary artist who's passionate about creativity. Currently, I teach Art at Secondary level in Tamaki makaurau. After years of teaching creativity and sharing my passion I felt it is time to put my artwork out there and share it too.
I studied Sculpture and 3D design at Art school, did minor papers in Painting, Graphic design and Printmaking. This is where my inspiration has settled. Printmaking processes are tactile and sculptural while printing is detailed and accurate.
I was born and raised in Tauranga Moana. The view of Mount Maunganui and the harbour is where I still call home. When I am in, on or in view of the ocean, I am at rest and restored.
My Artwork reflects these themes of my maritime background and the quintessential Kiwi summer.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my work and share the experience.