I graduated from Cadbury 6th form college in the UK nearly 10 years ago and received a A' level in fine art, ever since I have been painting and making jewellery. I love creating interesting pieces, that challenge my abilities....

If you have seen a piece that you love but isn't in your colours, just email me and we can discuss colours that suit you and I can make a custom made piece especially for you :) (at the same price as the one listed) will take up to a week depending on technicalities of piece

I will do my best to meet the needs of the customer in any way I can, such as alterations to length of jewellery etc......

Please feel free to ask any questions

I am on facebook now at www.facebook.com/dilly.cowley, I have posted my works on there too :)

Please keep checking back to my shop, because I am adding beautiful new pieces of jewellery every week!