Simple one-off clothing to let YOU shine

Hi there! Thanks for checking my profile. My brand Mukavaolo was born in Waikanae, New Zealand, but the name "mukavaolo" comes from the Finnish language (mukava olo), meaning feeling cosy, comfortable.

My clothes are made with cotton or linen (natural fibres only), whether recycled or new remnant materials. The clothing is finished with French seams inside so it is soft and doesn't scratch, and looks good and lasts well.

The styles are simple so that YOU and your personality via the way you wear them can shine through, not the frills and bows taking centre stage.

Simple clothing also allows you to wear them in different occasions, depending on what shoes, what jacket etc you wear with them. That really basic-looking top looks great for work with a blazer, but equally great for going out just with the change of earrings. You get the drift. Be you, not like everyone else.