Hello and welcome,

Thank you for viewing my profile. No items for sale yet, but I hope to have a wee shop up soon, possibly with handknitted items in it. There's a central Otago producer of organically grown, undyed, commercially spun, merino and lambswool yarns called Treliske, whose wool I find most enjoyable to work with.

I learned to knit at age five or six and have knitted at every stage of life since. I'm now in my early fifties. Have fond memories of knitting and learning to knit. My mother and her mother, my Grandma, were my earliest teachers. Also have a funny memory of knitting my dad a red Icelandic sweater I think he never wore (it was maybe too loud a thing for him to feel comfortable in, and as a teen I didn't know this). Also, I knitted my high school sweetheart a jersey, a tweed one, following a Reynolds pattern, something I do remember seeing him wear! In those early years, I often knitted for myself wearing whatever it is I made. Right now I'm into knitting fingerless mitts and gloves and liking one new design I've come up with.

Knitting is my current meditation. It is like a home base of sorts I'm finding.

I very much appreciate handcrafted items of all sorts, especially functional or practical ones. I also like and appreciate simplicity and understated design and embellishment. Natural fibres in as chem-free a state as possible are something I really really like finding.

Thank you to the founders of felt.co.nz for a place to browse, shop for and exhibit handcrafted wares.

Kind regards,