Dewdrops started as a way for a busy mum to have some time out to CREATE. My passion? Sewing practical items for Women and Babies that you will love. My challenge? To make the ‘everyday’ things of life easier, more comfortable, and BEAUTIFUL.
My main focus is on handmaking premium quality period protection that is super comfy and slimline. Every item is made from quality fabrics with prints that make you feel uplifted and inspired!
DewDrops pads are carefully constructed of organic cotton, unbleached, super thirsty bamboo, and a food-grade, waterproof, BREATHABLE inner layer. No nasties for your body!
And not just no nasties for you – they’re pretty great for the environment as well. As the average women will use over 11,000 disposable pads in her lifetime, switching to a washable alternative is a great way to manage your period.
Other products include reusable incontinence sheets for potty trainers (or for the elderly), baby bibs, baby teethers, breast pads... whatever I feel like making next! :)
Thank you for stopping by! If you want to keep up to date with what is happening, please check out my website at I have a blog page that I update with news and answers to frequently asked questions.
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