Feedback for yecates
yecates's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for yecates
Comment after kopiecreativ sold #400435 to yecates
Hassle free! Hope the wee vessel got to you safely :) thanks for your support!Comment after fibrefusion sold #371185 to yecates
Great customer ! Thank you very much for your purchase from my shop.Comment after ella-louise sold #237655 to yecates
Thank you for purchasing from my shop. Quick payment and contact, thank you. Cape set has been sent today 15/12. Merry ChristmasComment after dressedbyjess sold #234723 to yecates
Thanks for your purchase! EnjoyComment after plycandy sold #227827 to yecates
Great shopper, very prompt with payment and communication.Many thanks