Feedback for worksonpaperart*
worksonpaperart*'s star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
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Feedback comments for worksonpaperart*
Comment after praktis sold #397793 to worksonpaperart*
Super quick sale and payment. Many thanks for shopping local and supporting my Felt Shop Enjoy wearing your lovely handmade Silver earrings. Follow me on insta @herbertandwilksjewellery for inspiration & new products. I would love it if you could post feed-back :-) Best Wishes from SallyComment after ngaioblackwood sold #26102 to worksonpaperart*
So pleased you liked them. quick payment and great communication.Comment after mond09 bought #22937 from worksonpaperart*
When I saw it I liked it, when I held it in my hands I love it.Any gardener would love the gumboots or wellies brooch.