wjaned's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thank you so much! Enjoy, Lee
Thanks so much for your scarf purchase! It is on its way today. I hope it is well received :)
Super quick payment, thank you and hope you enjoy!
Great buyer - many thanks for your purchase from The Little White Box & continual support. I hope you love your ceramic Salt & Pepper Dishes!
Thanks so much for buying my tags. Hope you enjoy using them! Lee
Very pleasant to deal with. Look forward to seeing the print next to your new furniture! Thanks for the opportunity.
very quick with payment much appreciated.
Thank you for purchasing from Precious Pips!
Thanks for buying from Crazy Crayons.
Quick payment. thanks alot.
Lovely, friendly communication! Enjoy your blocks :)