wiggy's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thank you for your purchase from Pepin Design! We hope you enjoy your print :)
Thank you for your purchase from Pepin Design! We hope you enjoy your print :)
Thank you for your purchase from Pepin Design! We hope you enjoy your print :)
Thank you for your purchase from Pepin Design! We hope you enjoy your print :)
Fantastic buyer. Thanks again for choosing bibs4bubs. Kindest Regards, Kylie - bibs4bubs.
Fantastic buyer, your parcel will be in the post tomorrow morning. Thanks for continuing to choose bibs4bubs, we appreciate your support. We hope you enjoy your latest bibs. Kindest Regards, Kylie - bibs4bubs.
Great buyer! Thanks for choosing bibs4bubs, we hope you enjoy our products. Find and 'LIKE' us on facebook to keep up-to-date with our latest bibs. Kindest Regards, Kylie - bibs4bubs.
Great buyer, very fast payment. Thanks for choosing bibs4bubs. Your parcel is in the post today. Kindest Regards, Kylie - bibs4bubs.
Thanks Sarah for choosing bibs4bubs, we hope you enjoy our products. Your parcel will be in the post today. If you haven't already find and 'LIKE' us on facebook to keep up-to-date with our latest bibs. We're currently running a 12week bib challenge. Kindest Regards, Kylie - bibs4bubs