Feedback for vstockett
vstockett's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for vstockett
Comment after jemimaandjeremy sold #524286 to vstockett
Lovely customer who paid promptly. We hope you special little one has oodles of fun playing with the Front End Loader.Thank you for shopping with us and supporting our business!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and holiday season!
Comment after fat-spatula sold #524807 to vstockett
Another fine example of a genuine online buyer - thanks for supporting my business. Much appreciated.Comment after dottielottie sold #524287 to vstockett
Thank you for your purchase. Your 2 dinosaurs are on the way. Here is the tracking info after wildweka sold #415514 to vstockett
Great customer and prompt payment, thank you. And thank you for supporting a small handmade business, I appreciate it! Stay safe and stay strong xxxComment after feltsoapgood sold #303315 to vstockett
Very happy with this trade. Thank you for buying wool craft goods from FeltSoapGood. Your item has been shipped. Share your Tips, Tricks and Photos with us on Instagram with #feltproject and follow our @FeltSoapGood accounts on FaceBook and InstagramComment after feltsoapgood sold #378636 to vstockett
Very happy with this trade. Thank you for buying wool craft goods from FeltSoapGood.Please follow our FeltSoapGood Facebook craft page .
Search on-line to find out FeltSoapGood’s craft shops, YouTube craft videos and special offers. Please remember to place feedback when the order received – I would love to hear about your experience!
Comment after feltsoapgood sold #342345 to vstockett
Thank you for buying wool balls from FeltSoapGood. I have a You Tube channel under my name about crafting with wool, if you like it please subscribe.
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