Feedback for vintagechick
vintagechick's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for vintagechick
Comment after sable bought #71942 from vintagechick
These stockings are just lovely. Great service. Lovely to deal with. Thankyou.Comment after nickandjames bought #74190 from vintagechick
Amazing, looked so cool on the fire place at Christmas!Comment after j9wilson bought #58541 from vintagechick
The bunting flags are absolutely beautiful and look stunning in my baby's nursery. Perfect neutral colour too :)Comment after nipotine bought #58539 from vintagechick
Those are just a special little treat for a wee girl! Thank you for the lovely trade. Very happyComment after nipotine bought #58538 from vintagechick
It is sooo pretty..... Will trade with vintagechick again and again..Comment after redfish bought #49179 from vintagechick
Thanks, absolutely love it, I am going to use it on my baby girls hats.Comment after louisahuse bought #29107 from vintagechick
Lovely cushion, great quality :)Comment after nibblesalot bought #50532 from vintagechick
such a lovely trader ....i love the clip and it was all packaged up so nice and a little card with lovely words ..made my day to receive it:)thanks for a lovely first trade.....very very happy vintage chick rocks!!!!!