urwinanna's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thanks for buying the spoon carving kit
its in the post
Thanks so much for your purchase. I hope this wee cardigan helps keep your little toasty warm in chilly weather. Kind regards.
Thank you for your order. Your vest is on it's way. Enjoy!
Thank you for shopping with us. Enjoy.
Thanks for your purchase and your prompt payment.
Lovely customer. Thank you so much for your order and for supporting Littlehearts Handmade. I hope you love the rompers!
Excellent customer. Thank you for purchasing from our shop
Thanks for your purchase. Enjoy!
Thanks for great trade. Super fast payment. Easy, hassle free trade. Highly recommend to others. Cheers. Bubble on :)
Thanks for the purchase - hope you like the vest ! :)
Thank you for supporting the RubyLou shop. Hope you like the 2 little pants and they fit well. Please do let me know if sizing not right. Delphine.