Feedback for urbangoblins
urbangoblins's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for urbangoblins
Comment after karen66 bought #546360 from urbangoblins
PerfectComment after lkn6380 bought #546333 from urbangoblins
Good day Rednellav Goblin Catchers,Herrig arrived safely at his new home. He adapted quite quickly and made himself at home. He got his own room now and consider the bed as a playground and not a place to sleep, he prefer to curl up in a soft dog bed with balls of socks he sneaks out of our laundry basket.
He understands now that lying and stealing will only get him into trouble but still try every now and then. He made friends with the Magpies in our neighborhood (or shall I say alliance). He rewards the Magpies with leftover food in exchange for their treasures. His room will soon look like a disco ball.
Thank you for this beautiful and original Urban Goblin (Herrig). I am in love. So much attention to detail and outstanding quality. You made him super special by adding his own story. Delivery was fast, good packaging (minimal waste) and good communication. <3
Comment after knittingnana sold #558239 to urbangoblins
Thankyou for your kind words. Hope your friend enjoys babies vest, as much as I enjoy knitting it.Comment after jamnjelly bought #534343 from urbangoblins
Faro the goblin is awesome! Very well put together and nicely packaged. Thanks!Comment after emmadewhirst bought #500515 from urbangoblins
These are the best Goblins, I hope to see plenty more as I know there are a number of little boys and girls that would like to rehome some.Comment after chriweis8303 bought #500508 from urbangoblins
OMG!!! Tuno and his incredible hat...LOVE LOVE LOVE these Goblins...I want more...they are so fun, whimsical and enchanting...I show many people and they cannot believe how amazing at how well-crafted they are....thank you!!! Keep on making these Goblins!!!Comment after chriweis8303 bought #457050 from urbangoblins
Tren and Jerd made the trip to the United States and were an absolute delight to the family of Goblins that live in children absolutely love these lil Goblin creatures...we play hide and seek with them...these Goblins are made extremely well...I admit as an adult...these Goblins provide such joy to me and continue to find more!! I am addicted!!Comment after stitchonthis sold #438528 to urbangoblins
Happy stitching xComment after chrisbaillie bought #349956 from urbangoblins
Wow is all I can say! The attention to detail and quality of craftsmanship on these Goblins is amazing - they even have underwear and socks! Too good for children - I'm keeping mine (we'll call it a mid-life crisis doll!). Love them, thank you :)Comment after gorewitch bought #330731 from urbangoblins
Cornflakes arrived safe and sound this afternoon, seemingly none the worse for his travels. I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him, my husband thinks I'm mad but I think he's just secretly jealous.Thank you soooo much, I hope he'll be happy in my craft room.