Feedback for tineka
tineka's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for tineka
Comment after belleandrose sold #282112 to tineka
Great buyer, lovely customerComment after little12 sold #241459 to tineka
Thank you for buying at Little12!Hope your little one enjoys her crown :)
Comment after ellaquaint sold #195504 to tineka
Thanks so much for purchasing 'Love'. I hope you get much enjoyment from it.Comment after yummykids sold #200035 to tineka
Thank-you for shopping with Scrumptious. We hope to see you again soon :)Comment after twomagpies sold #200024 to tineka
Fantastic! Always happy to do custom orders. If you ever need anything else, please feel free to contact me.Don't forget to like us on Facebook Two Magpies NZ
Comment after puddlesanmud sold #177913 to tineka
Thanks for shopping at Puddles & Mud again so soon! You are a fantastic customer, fast payment. Enjoy.Puddles & Mud
Comment after puddlesanmud sold #189004 to tineka
Thanks for your purchase. You were a fantastic customer, fast payment. EnjoyPuddles & Mud
Comment after puddlesanmud sold #189013 to tineka
Thanks for your purchase. You were a fantastic customer, fast payment. EnjoyPuddles & Mud