Feedback for tamryn
tamryn's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for tamryn
Comment after fernandfirn bought #519875 from tamryn
So pleased with my mirror. It's beautifully made, and the colors and design are just lovely. A really excellent size, it fits perfectly on a piece of wall in our bedroom. It was also very well packaged for it's trip. Thank you Tamryn!Comment after 1blacklab bought #519849 from tamryn
Delighted with the purchase. I know our daughter will love her present.Comment after snuggliest bought #482138 from tamryn
This mirror is absolutely spectacular! Really beautiful and made with great skill. We'll treasure it for years.Tamryn also took great care in ensuring it arrived with me after a courier mix up. Great seller, highly recommended!