Feedback for suzyluttrell
suzyluttrell's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for suzyluttrell
Comment after richwoodpens sold #453518 to suzyluttrell
No further commentsComment after baileycreations sold #543631 to suzyluttrell
Thank you for your purchase & feedback. I love to hear how your enjoying my products. Have you noticed my lovely Christmas Soaps ... I look forward to seeing you again soonComment after baileycreations sold #543633 to suzyluttrell
Thank you for your purchase & feedback. I love to hear how your enjoying my products. Have you noticed my lovely Christmas Soaps ... I look forward to seeing you again soonComment after baileycreations sold #543632 to suzyluttrell
Thank you for your purchase & feedback. I love to hear how your enjoying my products. Have you noticed my lovely Christmas Soaps ... I look forward to seeing you again soonComment after baileycreations sold #543634 to suzyluttrell
Thank you for your purchase & feedback. I love to hear how your enjoying my products. Have you noticed my lovely Christmas Soaps ... I look forward to seeing you again soonComment after timelessglass sold #543626 to suzyluttrell
I'm so glad you loved your dichroic pendant Suzy. Thanks so much for your lovely feedback!!Comment after terra_dumont sold #543628 to suzyluttrell
Thanks so much for your purchase! I hope you love the fragrances.They were shipped yesterday. The tracking information is: NZ Post HB006988738NZ