Feedback for suzannelea
suzannelea's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for suzannelea
Comment after goatpoint sold #555435 to suzannelea
Great customer, thank you for your purchase!Comment after goatpoint sold #555434 to suzannelea
Great customer, thank you for your purchase!Comment after feltedfellows sold #515449 to suzannelea
thankyou for your purchase!Comment after muccunz sold #462350 to suzannelea
Thank you for your purchase.Hope that you can receive it soon.
Comment after emmageorge sold #418125 to suzannelea
Really appreciate your order, and Thankyou for supporting NZ handmadeComment after emmageorge sold #418124 to suzannelea
Thankyou so much for your order and for supporting NZ madeComment after soleil sold #360318 to suzannelea
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment. I hope you enjoy the case. SoleilComment after firedearthstone sold #327703 to suzannelea
I hope you love your little angel and fairy figurine. Thank you for your customComment after lepapillonnz sold #355406 to suzannelea
Great purchase thank you for your purchaseLisa