Feedback for streadsmith
streadsmith's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for streadsmith
Comment after jodidesign sold #370064 to streadsmith
Thanks so much for being a repeat customer ❤️ Hope you like the tshirt :)Comment after fat-spatula sold #570510 to streadsmith
Thanks for ordering from me once again - glad the balm is being beneficial.Comment after jodidesign sold #370072 to streadsmith
Thank you for your purchase and speedy payment. Hope you like the top :)Comment after fat-spatula sold #565120 to streadsmith
Another fine example of a genuine online buyer. Much appreciated.Comment after ghdesign sold #551279 to streadsmith
Thanks for supporting handmade!Kind regards,
Comment after ghdesign sold #554107 to streadsmith
Thanks for supporting handmade!Kind regards,