Feedback for sparks_meow
sparks_meow's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for sparks_meow
Comment after littlewhitebox sold #212633 to sparks_meow
Great buyer - thanks for returning to The Little White Box. I hope you like your ceramic Red Hearts Breakfast MugsComment after littlewhitebox sold #203221 to sparks_meow
Great buyer - thanks for coming back to The Little White Box. I hope you like all your wee little I Love you to the Moon HeartsComment after wendilindsay sold #212440 to sparks_meow
Great person to deal with. Immediate payment, super quick and easy. Thanks very much. Enjoy your earrings! WendiComment after ellaquaint sold #92588 to sparks_meow
Thanks so much for purchasing 'Sparrow', he was shipped off to you yesterday so you should receive him shortly. I hope you get much enjoyment from him :)Comment after sharethelove sold #131637 to sparks_meow
Thanks you for your puchase. Pleasure to deal with.Merry Christmas!