sjs22's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thanks for buying the carving knives
Thanks for buying the carving knives
Thanks for buying the spoons - happy carving
Great customer, thanks so much, necklace shipped today (Friday)
We hope you like the necklace
Enjoy :)
Craft Me Up
Thank you so much for the purchase. I hope you enjoy using them!
Fast payment. Thank you for purchasing my item.
Lovey customer who pays promptly. Thank you for your return custom....I hope the recipients love their gifts ;-)
Thanks for supporting Emma Makes.
Great buyer who paid promptly. Thank you for your purchase...I hope you love the makeup wipes :-)
Thanks for your order and quick payment. Hope you love the doll. Jo :-)