Feedback for sibbyc
sibbyc's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for sibbyc
Comment after yayahdesign sold #153305 to sibbyc
Thanks for shopping with ya yah designComment after supurlative sold #149232 to sibbyc
Thanks so much for purchasing off me. I hope you enjoy your hat.Comment after onetrickpony sold #75812 to sibbyc
Great customer, thanks!Comment after atouchofblue sold #87309 to sibbyc
thanks for the prompt payment .. hope you enjoyed your purchaseComment after pepindesign sold #176624 to sibbyc
Thank you for your purchase form Pepin Design! Enjoy your print :)Comment after pepindesign sold #146833 to sibbyc
Thank you for your purchase form Pepin Design! Enjoy your print :)Comment after pepindesign sold #170983 to sibbyc
Thank you for your purchase form Pepin Design! Enjoy your print :)Comment after myheartsings sold #84765 to sibbyc
Super customer. Thanks so much for buying from myheartsings! parcel sent today- hope you love it!Keeping it local on Felt...!X