Feedback for shrishti
shrishti's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for shrishti
Comment after theartroom sold #193295 to shrishti
Thanks so much for your order. Sent today! Hayley / The Art Room. xComment after mumoftwins sold #126061 to shrishti
Thanks so much for your purchases! A pleasure knitting for you. I hope they keep your little one toastie warm. Kind regardsComment after therubyloushop sold #114789 to shrishti
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop! Hope you like the both 3/4 pants. Merry Xmas! DelphineComment after driessababy sold #115485 to shrishti
Thank you for shopping with Driessa Baby! Enjoy your smock :)Comment after stitchstudio sold #128200 to shrishti
Thank you for your purchase. Size 12- -18 months is on its way to you.Kind regards
Stitch Studio