Feedback for sewa
sewa's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for sewa
Comment after addi3 sold #343357 to sewa
Great customer ! Thank you for shopping with Fold by Addi3 ^_^Comment after andwhiskers sold #336528 to sewa
Thank you for your purchase :)Comment after alexoandco sold #338846 to sewa
Thank you for the purchase.I hope you enjoy the cushion.
Kind Regards
Alex O
Comment after alexoandco sold #290152 to sewa
Thank you for the purchase.I hope you enjoy the cushion.
Kind Regards
Alex O
Comment after feltsoapgood sold #287280 to sewa
Thank you for buying felted balls from FeltSoapGood.Comment after chillichilli sold #195102 to sewa
Thanks very much for the purchase. Enjoy your comfy room-shoes,Comment after fairydoor sold #191059 to sewa
Great buyer with a prompt payment.Thank you so much for your purchase.
Hope you like it.
Fairy Door