sbrochocka's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Very happy with this trade. Thank you for buying craft goods from FeltSoapGood. Your item has been shipped. Please share your Tips, Tricks and Photos with us on Instagram with #feltproject and follow our @FeltSoapGood accounts on FaceBook and Instagram.
Thanks so much for your order :-)
Thanks so much - great buyer :)
Thank you for shopping @ sweet vintage. A pleasure to have as a customer. :-)
Great buyer, prompt payment.
Great buyer, prompt payment.
Great buyer, prompt payment.
Great buyer, prompt payment.
Great buyer, prompt payment.
A real pleasure to deal with you, excellent communication & super quick payment. Thanks you so much. Have a wonderful Christmas. Goods posted 29.11.2010. thanks