Feedback for sarahkmorgan
sarahkmorgan's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for sarahkmorgan
Comment after woodturner sold #523592 to sarahkmorgan
Lovely customer who paid promptly and thank you so much for your very lovely feedback, it is appreciated.Thank you for shopping with us and supporting our business!
Best wishes
Rangitikei Woodworks
Comment after betsyandfred sold #464300 to sarahkmorgan
Thanks so much for your purchase - hope the purse is much loved!Comment after muccunz sold #474899 to sarahkmorgan
Quick paymentThank you for your purchase
Comment after hippiegirl sold #375015 to sarahkmorgan
thank u enjoyComment after zakkakids sold #377291 to sarahkmorgan
Thanks for the purchase Sarah - enjoy the hairclips! :)Comment after zakkakids sold #377292 to sarahkmorgan
Thank you Sarah for your speedy email and payment.Comment after buttonmemory sold #355176 to sarahkmorgan
Thanks for your purchase. Parcel will be sent tomorrow morningRuth