Feedback for racheyeliz
racheyeliz's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for racheyeliz
Comment after lachyandlace sold #531613 to racheyeliz
Great. Thank you xComment after onetrickpony sold #370228 to racheyeliz
Thanks so much, I hope you love your necklaces :)Comment after onetrickpony sold #300610 to racheyeliz
Thank you! I hope you love your new jewellery :)Comment after borntobeboho sold #339651 to racheyeliz
Many thanks for purchasing from us, we appreciated the fast payment you sent, an excellent trade. . We hope our Born To Be BoHo products are thoroughly enjoyed.Thanks again A+++
Kindest Regards
Born To Be Boho
Kim & Chris