Feedback for raceyt
raceyt's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for raceyt
Comment after jc_artist sold #235631 to raceyt
The sale of my art print to Tracey has been a wonderful process, helped by her positive and fast communications and instant payment. If all my customers are like her, then my Felt experience is going to bring much joy!Thank you so much Tracey for your support and feedback
Comment after sweetvintage sold #76430 to raceyt
:-) ... a pleasure to have as a customer ... many thanks for shopping @ sweet vintage.Comment after sweetvintage sold #77456 to raceyt
:-) ... a pleasure to have as a customer ... many thanks for shopping @ sweet vintage.Comment after beautifulyou sold #48604 to raceyt
Great customer! come back anytime. thanksComment after myheartsings sold #76421 to raceyt
thanks so much for buying from 'myheartsings',....... keeping it local on Felt!Comment after rejuvenation sold #74881 to raceyt
Highly recommend! very prompt payment and great to deal with.Thank you for purchasing from Rejuvenation.