pukbay1's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Great communication, and quick payment. Definitely recommend this buyer to all! :)
Great communication, and quick payment. Definitely recommend this buyer to all! :)
Great sale paid as soon as ordered so was able to despatch the product asap
Thank you for your understanding, I will get your items posted as soon as I can.
Great customer, thanks! excellent communication and prompt payment.
Awesome customer, super nice! Fast payment and fast emailer :)
Thank you... sorry for the delay in feed back have only just worked out how to us it on felt:)
Thanks again! Extremely fast payment! Appreciated! Goodies now on the way, enjoy.......................
Thanks! Extremely fast payment! Appreciated! Goodies now on the way, enjoy.......................
Quick payment! Great buyer.