Feedback for possumlegs
possumlegs's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for possumlegs
Thank you for your support.
Many thanks for your recent purchase from Trixie :)
Great sale . Easy transaction Recommend Trader
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie Moo Felt Creations - Ria x
Thanks so much for supporting Maisie Moo (again and again) xx Ria
Thanks so much for supporting Maisie Moo xx Ria
Thanks so much for supporting Maisie Moo (again and again) xx Ria
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie Moo Felt Creations. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! xx Ria
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie Moo Felt Creations. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! xx Ria
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie Moo Felt Creations. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! xx Ria
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie Moo Felt Creations. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! xx Ria
Was lovely to be able to send these illustrations to you on the other side of the world! :)
Am so glad you liked the trio - thank you!
Thank-you for buying my cards and the excellent feedback
Thank-you for the excellent feedback
Thanks so much to the best customer ever!!!
Thanks so much to the best customer ever!!!
Thanks so much to the best customer ever!!!
Thanks so much to the best customer ever!!!
Thanks so much to the best customer ever!!!
Once again, thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo Felt Creations and handmade too! Ria :)
Once again, thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo Felt Creations and handmade too! Ria :)
Thanks! I hope you are kept nice and toasty :) xx
Thank you for your purchase from Maisie-Moo Felt Creations! Ria :)
Thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo Felt Creations!! Ria xx
Thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo Felt Creations!! Ria x
Thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo Felt Creations!! Ria x
Thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo Felt Creations!! Ria x
Thank you for supporting Maisie-Moo Felt Creations!! Ria x
Thanks for buying from Honey Design!