Feedback for porvida
porvida's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for porvida
Comment after stitchgirl sold #474014 to porvida
Thanks for your order, speedy payment. Courier will collect tomorrow. 5 Stars!Comment after tinyhouses bought #401152 from porvida
Beautiful knitting, cardigan is just gorgeous. Thoroughly reccomend to others. Excellent value for money.Comment after littlepeanut sold #372685 to porvida
Fantastic customer with prompt payment, thank you from Little Peanuts NZ :)Comment after krizia bought #346126 from porvida
Lovely seller, the cardigan is so soft and beautifully made. Thank you, Anita! I can't wait for my little one to wear it.Comment after loveideas sold #236094 to porvida
Thanks so much for your custom order! I hope you love!Cheers, Josie