Feedback for pipandrews
pipandrews's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for pipandrews
Comment after freehand sold #572135 to pipandrews
Thank you for your quick payment and for supporting my wee business. Best wishesComment after hihisewing sold #469276 to pipandrews
Thanks for supporting NZ made :)Comment after stitchgirl sold #468373 to pipandrews
Recommend this customer, quick payment 5 Stars!Comment after meliai_designs sold #344853 to pipandrews
Thank you for your purchase and for supporting handmade in NZ. I hope you like the earringsComment after hihisewing sold #462313 to pipandrews
Thanks for supporting NZ made :)Comment after alba sold #437098 to pipandrews
Thank you for your purchase and for supporting handmade in NZ. Hope you like the earringsComment after repurpose sold #359478 to pipandrews
Thank you for purchasing NZ up-bicycled from re:purpose.Your earrings are on their way to you. I have included a free gift tag as a little thank you ;o)
Warm regards,
Comment after ghdesign sold #189516 to pipandrews
Thank you for purchasing the bangle and supporting hand made!I hope you enjoy wearing it.
Kind regards,