Feedback for pinkcanary
pinkcanary's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for pinkcanary
Comment after emmamakes sold #88205 to pinkcanary
Thank you for supporting Emma Makes - so nice of you tosend a gift to someone else.
Comment after gottahave sold #50092 to pinkcanary
Super super fast payment! Thanks so much for being a breeze! :)Comment after sahmmy sold #38246 to pinkcanary
Wonderful. Thanks so much and hope you enjoy the chalkmat!Comment after sewvivid sold #45374 to pinkcanary
Wonderful customer !! Fast payment. Thanks.Comment after onetrickpony sold #41752 to pinkcanary
Great customer, thanks! Necklace is in the post today.Comment after snugglebug sold #45385 to pinkcanary
Thank you for a very easy Sale. Lovely lady and fast communication and payment. I hope you enjoy using your Wrap :)Thank you.