Feedback for notsobodhran
notsobodhran's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for notsobodhran
Comment after artlight sold #481307 to notsobodhran
Thanks for supporting my business! These little gems are buzzing your way today...Comment after thedandylion sold #467914 to notsobodhran
Thank you so much for your purchase! Your order has been sent today :)Comment after walkerswood sold #441651 to notsobodhran
Great trade. Thanks for supporting our small business.Comment after mixedup sold #359678 to notsobodhran
Many thanks for purchase.Comment after mixedup sold #359676 to notsobodhran
Many thanks!Comment after onetrickpony sold #357971 to notsobodhran
Great customer, thanks :)Comment after ply sold #340119 to notsobodhran
Many thanks for your order! I hope you enjoy your bracelet :)Comment after ifeelnatty sold #323402 to notsobodhran
Thanks for buying NZ made/design and hope you love your purchases.Cheers
Cat and Fiona
Comment after resilverednz sold #284468 to notsobodhran
Great customer!Fast payment.Many thanks for your the mail yesterday!Cheers