Feedback for nicola13
nicola13's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for nicola13
Comment after makingit sold #332887 to nicola13
Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy the cookie cutters and baking. Thanks. :)Comment after littlecashew sold #312509 to nicola13
Thanks so much for your order!Comment after madebylisa sold #313414 to nicola13
thanks!Comment after littlelaneco sold #264024 to nicola13
Thank you for your order. Hope you enjoy your shoes!Comment after creativebox sold #264637 to nicola13
Thank you for your order. You were so lovely to deal with, its been a pleasure. I hope you enjoy the print.Comment after hanging-bambino sold #260704 to nicola13
What a great buyer. Thanks for fast contact and payment. Your storage sack with the courier today.Regards,