Feedback for nannabuttons
nannabuttons's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for nannabuttons
Comment after kiiwiidawn sold #587796 to nannabuttons
Sorry for the delay in shipping! I included a few extra goodies to make up for it. Thanks so much for your purchase! ♥Comment after karoro sold #222093 to nannabuttons
Thanks for your purchase, enjoy the bowl.Comment after jinglebugs sold #270768 to nannabuttons
Many thanks for your prompt payment. I hope the little pukeko bring a smile :-).Comment after baileysalchemy sold #272339 to nannabuttons
Thank you for your purchase :-) Hope to see you back again! EmmaComment after hazyprints sold #272341 to nannabuttons
Thanks so much for your order. Warm wishes xComment after littlewhitebox sold #196842 to nannabuttons
Great buyer! Thanks for your purchase from The Little White Box. I hope you like your ceramic I Love you to the Moon HeartComment after ghdesign sold #192123 to nannabuttons
Than you for purchasing a flying bird and supporting hand-made.I recommend this trader.
Kind regards,