Feedback for nanas
nanas's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for nanas
Comment after jenhanigames sold #515581 to nanas
There was a slight delay in shipping the product but they were understanding and pleasant about it! ☺️Comment after kiwicritters sold #515583 to nanas
Thank you!Comment after kiwicritters sold #515582 to nanas
Hi Jillian,Thanks so much for your purchase, I've prepared it now. The courier comes daily Mon-Fri around 11am and your tracking number link is: – so you will be able to follow its progress to your place. I've noted to leave it at your back door.
Thanks again for your support, your purchase is greatly appreciated! If you’d like to subscribe to my newsletter (very random, usually only when a new book is coming out), please sign up on my website: – after signing up you’ll be given a link to receive a free ebook version of Sylvie’s Big Adventure, which you'll be able to download to your phone or any device.