Feedback for naggie
naggie's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for naggie
Comment after rosearcher* sold #479607 to naggie
Pleasure to deal with, thank you for your order. I hope you have a wonderful ChristmasComment after gumgully sold #396671 to naggie
Was an absolute pleasure to deal with you, and Im so glad I could help you on the start of your knitting journey! The skies the limit now :-) Let me know if you need help with a new project and Id love to see your finished creation xxxComment after lalamianz sold #381586 to naggie
Thank you so much again Natalie, I hope you and your sister enjoy the handpainted stones!Comment after neeveynoonar sold #381588 to naggie
Many thanks for your order and fast payment, I am sure you will all get many hours of enjoyment from your reusable water balloons.:)