Feedback for mrspaterson
mrspaterson's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for mrspaterson
Comment after pmintsquirt sold #500233 to mrspaterson
Thank you so much for your order.Comment after pmintsquirt sold #500232 to mrspaterson
Thanks so much for your order.Comment after theartroom sold #239611 to mrspaterson
Thanks so much for your order! Cheers, Hayley / The Art Room .xComment after willowsage sold #174122 to mrspaterson
thank you for purchasing from willow and sage. your cushion cover was sent yesterday. i hope you enjoy it!!Comment after wink sold #148866 to mrspaterson
Thanks so much for your order. I hope you love your bunting!Cheers Josie