Feedback for montesa
montesa's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for montesa
Comment after alexoandco sold #512259 to montesa
Thank you for the purchase.Your parcel is booked on Mondays courier.
Here are the details:
Booking details
Address: Amber Ward
65 Burrows Street
Bluff 9814
Delivery: 2–3 days
Courier NZPost
Contact: 0800 268 743
Tracking #: 0079-4210-3204-8417-7931
Kind Regards
Alex O
Comment after alexoandco sold #447234 to montesa
Thank you for the purchase.Your parcel is booked on tomorrows courier from Auckland.
Here are the details:
Courier Courier Post
Contact: 0800 268 743
Tracking #: 9476-3943-0023-8601-IVC0-03BN
Kind Regards
Alex O