Feedback for misopop
misopop's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for misopop
Comment after igcreations bought #520085 from misopop
Delicious product, beautifully presented and packaged, and a very helpful and thoughtful maker. Thank you so much!Comment after dalmat bought #514911 from misopop
A lovely gift, and such a kind, helpful person to deal with!Comment after chillibean bought #515481 from misopop
A very beautiful and unusual gift for someone who loves Japanese food and culture. I totally recommend this.Comment after janndear6420 bought #515464 from misopop
Beautifully presented in stunning packaging. The look of the product is amazing. And the taste is even better! I highly recommend this product - for yourself or as a gift.Will be buying again. Thank you!