Feedback for miriamaroha
miriamaroha's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for miriamaroha
Comment after soulyfibre sold #523550 to miriamaroha
Thank youComment after crafthouse sold #482454 to miriamaroha
Hi,Thank you very much for your purchased. The item is on the way. Have a great day.
Comment after eejaydesign sold #460548 to miriamaroha
Many thanks for your purchases :)Comment after thetrinket sold #451700 to miriamaroha
Thank you for your order and prompt payment.Enjoy your Macrame Wristlet Keyring!
Kind regards - Manisha
Comment after mono sold #413691 to miriamaroha
Thanks for the prompt payment with efficiency communication.Comment after sublimestitch sold #413640 to miriamaroha
Thanks for choosing Sublime Stitchery for your reusable face masks. You're going to look gorgeous and safe!Comment after sublimestitch sold #413470 to miriamaroha
Thanks for choosing Sublime Stitchery for your reusable face masks. You're going to look gorgeous and safe!Comment after bubbleon sold #363461 to miriamaroha
Thanks so much for supporting local business & buying handmade goods. Great trade. Easy, hassle free trade. Highly recommend to others. Cheers. Bubble on :)Comment after bubbleon sold #337414 to miriamaroha
Thanks for another great trade. Awesome trader. Highly recommend to others. Posted Weds. Cheers. Bubble on :)Comment after bubbleon sold #334058 to miriamaroha
Thanks for great trade. Super fast payment. Easy, hassle free trade. Highly recommend to others. Cheers. Bubble on :)Comment after sosewjojo sold #272127 to miriamaroha
Lovely to work with and such an honour to do a repeat order for you.Thanks for supporting SoSewJojo again xx
Comment after loveideas sold #258215 to miriamaroha
Thanks so much for your order! Enjoy.Cheers, Josie
Comment after sosewjojo sold #234528 to miriamaroha
Great customer. Thank you for supporting SoSewJojo xxComment after frenchlinen sold #115412 to miriamaroha
Lovely person to deal with :)Comment after keepers sold #174128 to miriamaroha
Lots of Doilies are on their way.I hope they go down a treat.Kind Regards