Feedback for melaniejane
melaniejane's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for melaniejane
Thanks so much Melanie! It's making it's way to you today. Sarah :)
Great buyer. Good communication and prompt payment.
Thank you so much for your purchase.
Hope you like your fairy doors.
Thank you for a great transaction!
Thanks for buying from Crazy Crayons.
Really lovely to deal with! My first wonderful client!! Hope you enjoy them for Christmas! :-)
Really lovely to deal with! My first wonderful client!! Hope you enjoy them for Christmas! :-)
Really lovely to deal with! My first wonderful client!! Hope you enjoy them for Christmas! :-)
Really lovely to deal with! My first wonderful client!! Hope you enjoy them for Christmas! :-)
Really lovely to deal with! My first wonderful client!! Hope you enjoy them for Christmas! :-)
Really lovely to deal with! My first wonderful client!! Hope you enjoy them for Christmas! :-)
Really lovely to deal with! My first wonderful client!! Hope you enjoy them for Christmas! :-)
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer
Great communication, Quick payment, Excellent buyer